Online Memorials


The End of Nothing… Poem by Janet Godkin for Joey
When I went to pick you up that day I didn’t see the end
I only saw the beginning, a life with my new friend

18 years we spent together, smiles every day
You were always here for me…always there to play

Pillows and an empty space now sit where you once were
Images of you curled up next to me is all that I endure.

Loyal and dignified in each & every way
I could not ask for a better friend…
What else can I say

I miss you in the sun; I miss you in the rain
You’re no longer with me, now all I feel is pain

The house has lost its glow, replaced with grief instead
Tears swell in my eyes… as I pass your empty bed

Your innocent little face no longer here and there…
Oh God how I question thee……
why this seems unfair

I used to see you here; I used to see you there
Now all I see are lonely halls and your empty chair

I wake to make my breakfast while fighting back the tears
I’m told the only cure for this will come in leaps & years

Today I took a lonesome walk without my best friend there
You used to make me happy. God knows this isn’t fair

I lie awake each night wondering where you are
Pondering what a beautiful soul you were, I pray that you’re a star

I feel you curled right up next to me even though you’re not there
Know that you were loved & how much I still care.
I may not rub your tummy; I may not pet your fur;
I may not call your name, but your spirit will endure.

I will always love you Joey; I don’t have to wait to see you at Rainbow Bridge because your heart & soul are in mine & I will carry you everywhere with me.
Namaste my beloved

~ Poem by Janet Godkin Feb 27th 2016 9:30 am