Online Memorials


2008 - 2022

I have always wanted a cat. A cat that will provide us the unconditional love and company we deserve. I have always believe that the love between an animal and a human can become a spiritual connection. It is much like being one with nature. It is deep, and it is ethereal. When Simba came into my life, the connection we had was instant. It was almost as if it was meant to be. The timing could not have been more perfect. One look, and I thought he was perfect in every way. My heart bursted with never ending love, and when he looked into my eyes, I knew I am to become his human. Our relationship was forever transformed. This was 2008 of May. The earliest memory I have with him was that he tried to capture a bird which landed on the ledge of my balcony. He ran towards it not knowing how clear the glass was between him and the balcony. The bird flew away, and he crashed into the glass. Another memory I have of him was when he started running really fast, and had not yet learned how to stop properly. The laughs he has given me were endless. Simba came into life unexpectedly, and he left unexpectedly. In between, he was full of surprises. The unconditional love we shared was incredible. It was unique. The love I showed proved to be annoying, and he annoyed me with his overly friendly love as well. It never fails that he always left a smile on my face. I miss, and I love you always. Forever in my heart!